3 Data Points You Should Be Watching On Your Website

What do you do when you are looking for a product or service you need? There is a good chance that you rely on search engines to help you. Your customers probably do the same thing, and you need to make it as easy as possible for them to find your website. You need to keep an eye on your website to make sure you are not only generating traffic but also generating the right type of traffic.

If you take a look at the analytics for your website, you will see a lot of information at your disposal. How do you know if your website is doing well? Take a look at a few important data points that you should be watching regarding your website.

1. Organic Keyword Rankings

First, you need to make sure that you pay close attention to your rankings for organic keywords. Organic keywords are terms that people use when they interact with search engines. You need to keep an eye on your rankings for national SEO purposes, as they will dictate your online visibility.

For example, you need to figure out what words and phrases people use when they are looking for products and services you provide. Then, figure out where you rank for those specific terms. Keep in mind that your rankings can change over time. Therefore, if you notice that your rankings are starting to drop in a certain area, you might need to make improvements to increase your rankings.

You need to execute a strong search engine optimization campaign if you want to improve your rankings. This might include sharing your blog posts, changing your keyword density, or updating your website with new images and videos. Running a strong search engine optimization campaign can be challenging, and that is why you should consider reaching out to experts who can help you maximize your results.

2. Traffic To Your Site

Next, you also need to pay close attention to the traffic on your website. Of course, you need to start by taking a look at how many visitors you get every month. This is a great way to see just how visible you are online. Ideally, you want to have a lot of people coming to your website, and you want to make sure they are spending a long time on your website.

Furthermore, you need to figure out where your visitors are coming from. For example, are they coming to your website because they click on a link that they see on a search engine results page? Or, are they coming to your website from social media? There is even a chance that some people might be coming to your website by entering your URL manually into their browser bar.

You need to pay close attention to where your traffic is coming from because this will give you some idea of what aspects of your digital marketing campaign are working well. If you notice that a lot of people are coming to your website from search engines, this could be a sign that your search engine optimization campaign is working well.

Based on where your visitors are coming from, you can also see if you are targeting the correct audience. For example, if you find that most people are not spending a long time on your website, this might be a sign that you are targeting the wrong type of traffic.

3. Conversions

Finally, you also need to pay close attention to your conversion rate. There are different types of conversions you might be looking for. For example, you might be looking for a way to get more people to pick up the phone and call you. Or, you might be looking for a way to get more people to sign up for your email list. You might even be looking to convert people into paying customers by getting them to buy your products and services.

Keep a close eye on your conversion rate. What percentage of your visitors are taking the action that you want them to take? If you find that your conversion rate is a bit low, it could be a sign that you aren’t targeting viable leads. This means that the people who come and visit your website might not be ready to purchase your products and services.

If your conversion rate is low, it could also be a sign that your contact information is difficult to find. If you work with an expert team, they can help you maximize your conversion rate. Our team would be happy to assist you.

Contact Our Digital Marketing Agency for Help

We are SEO Locale, and we are a professional digital marketing agency in Philadelphia. We can help you keep an eye on your website traffic, monitoring where your visitors come from. We can break down your traffic, improve the experience of your users, and boost your search results ranking. We can also help you locate direct traffic that can maximize your conversion rate and grow your business. We even have experience running plumbing & HVAC SEO campaigns, so it would be our pleasure to help you as well.

You need an expert team that can help you understand the analytics on your website dashboard. It would be our pleasure to help you customize a digital marketing campaign to meet your needs, so contact us today!

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