keyword tracking seo

There are many metrics which must be observed when maintaining a website.  Keeping track of all the different ways in which a site is found, visited, and viewed can be an exhausting process, especially if companies aren’t using good quality software to compile their data.  Not every metric provides suggestions for improving organic traffic, either.  That is why it’s so important companies use keyword tracking software. As a premier digital marketing agency, we track keywords for all of our clients that have SEO in their packages. It is important even if you are tracking keywords on a national SEO versus local SEO level to have the data to expand the campaign or track the success.

SEO Keywords & Tracking

Keyword tracking, also known as keyword rank tracking, is a means of monitoring your site’s visibility through keyword searches.  By using a keyword tracker you can see where the keywords, and subsequently your page, are in the search engine results page (SERP).  Knowing a site’s ranking provides a business with some insight into the effectiveness of their current SEO strategies, while also allowing them to anticipate what sort of search optimization strategies they may need to implement in the future.

Why Does it Matter to Track Your SEO Keywords?

It will highlight changes in organic traffic.  A fluctuation in ranking can be a sign that a site’s traffic is starting to suffer.  Keyword tracking makes it possible to see which keywords aren’t performing as well, and which pages on a website are being affected by the drop.

When a company is tracking its position it will also be able to see the position of its competition.  In the list of keywords each company will have some core words exclusive to their specific market, industry, field, or brand.  Competitors will be using the same keywords.  While it’s best to rank ahead of competitors, ranking behind them has its advantages.  All it requires is research into their latest SEO strategy, and doing it better. 

Sites that have multiple locations will need to perform keyword tracking with geography-specific terms.  If one is excelling or another is rapidly falling behind, there is a problem with that location which needs to be identified.  Many keyword trackers offer the option to change the search engine country which brands with international locations will benefit from most.  

What Software Tracks SEO Keywords?

There are many keyword tracking softwares available, all with a variety of useful features.  SEOlium, for example, is unique in that they generate, own, and completely control all of their raw data.  This gives them absolute oversight over it, making it easier to reduce inaccuracies by implementing an algorithm that combines technology and human observation.

Companies who aren’t tracking their keywords can’t reasonably expect measurable success.  Companies who are using it can measure their success, and identify ways to increase it.

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